










Become a problem solver that takes data from insight to impact with a master’s in 业务分析.

St. 博纳旺图尔大学的在线商业分析理学硕士Curriculum为您提供 具有强大的数据分析软件的实践经验 and the highly desired ability to confidently communicate business solutions underpinned by leading analytical and 可视化 methods.我们的项目是战略性设计的, 价格具有竞争力的教育机会,将为您做好准备 高需求的角色 处理大数据.


“商业分析是一个你可以不断学习的领域, 在你的角色和商业知识中不断挑战和成长. 对我来说,这是一个伟大职业生涯的成功组合."

——lisa Melton, AAA东北市场高级副总裁

在技术日益给隐私带来新挑战的时代, 安全和可持续性, 我们强调道德决策. 基于方济各会的价值观, we develop critical thinkers who go on to become a positive force in the future of business.



CS 508 -数据仓库

This course enables students to establish the difference between databases and data warehousing. Students will learn how to manage and create data warehouses from large datasets in a corporate setting. 因为这是如何实现数据的新趋势, 还将探索数据仓库的可能改进.

621年工商管理硕士 -数据可视化和分析

本Curriculum介绍数据可视化领域. Students learn basic 可视化 design principles to produce meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data in order to enhance the managerial decision making process. 学生将学习可视化序列的各种技术, 基于文本的, 地理空间, 分层数据和大型数据集. Foci covered include data selection, data cleaning, data analysis, data presentation methods. Students will apply analysis and data 可视化 design principles to the design of interactive business dashboards and reports. 学生将以多种形式向一系列观众展示他们的作品. 本Curriculum将向学生介绍各种可视化软件工具.

MSA 613 -规范分析

The focus of this course is mainly on prescriptive analytics with some parts focused on predictive analytics. Prescriptive analytics seeks to determine the best solution or outcome among various alternatives for a given situation, as well as suggest decision options for how to take advantage of a future opportunity or mitigate a future risk and illustrate the implications of each decision option. 在本Curriculum中, 学生将熟悉这些技术, 支持管理决策的工具和应用程序. The emphasis will be on the formulation of different optimization problems and the use of appropriate quantitative techniques to solve these problems.

MSA 628 -预测分析

This course offers an introduction to tools to enhance managerial decision making at all levels of the organization and across business units. 学生们将面临一个问题, 问题或决定,并将被要求使用数据技术开发解决方案. 数据将从一组源(内部或外部,数据格式)中提取。. Students will also be asked to choose the appropriate models, tools and methods for analysis.

MSA 645 - Analytics Capstone

The capstone course provides students with an opportunity to synthesize what they have learned about analytics during their graduate degree program. Students will integrate and apply analytical skills and knowledge acquired in the previous courses – including data management, 大数据, 可视化, 数据挖掘, 预测和优化技术, 还有统计学——在现实环境中完成一个涉及实际数据的项目.


这些天,当涉及到数据分析工具时,我们被宠坏了. 优化你的时间和结果 通过知道什么时候使用什么软件. 应用 先进的方法 面对商业挑战,学会自信地传达你的发现. 您将学习的工具包括:

类别 工具
分析编程 Python
数据仓库 MySQL,蒙戈
预测分析 Python, SPSS
规范的分析 Excel求解器分析


我们的商业分析硕士Curriculum是为每个人设计的. Whether you’re working in analytics-style roles already or exploring a totally new set of skills - we’ve got you. 有近 20门选修课可供选择, 你可以把这些技能运用到整个金融领域, 市场营销, 沟通, 网络安全, 领导, 和更多的. 这是Curriculum及其描述的示例列表. 请查看我们的全部Curriculum 填写表格并全球网赌十大网站节目指南.

Being a master’s program, you must have a previous bachelor’s degree to be eligible for this program. 好消息是,它可以在任何领域, and we do encourage you to speak with your advisor to see if you’re eligible for transfer credits.